HiPOD: Thursday, 27 May 2021
Conical Feature near Channels and Fissures in Tharsis Region

Conical Feature near Channels and Fissures in Tharsis Region

A Conical Feature near Channels and Fissures
A conical, positive relief feature located near an area with channels and fissures may be a cinder cone. It is also possibly a part of the nearby deposits from the aureole of Olympus Mons, embayed by volcanic plains material. HiRISE coverage will improve ability to resolve diagnostic features not resolvable in Context Camera images.

ID: ESP_065412_1975
date: 10 July 2020
altitude: 276 km

#Mars #science #NASA

Black & white is less than 5 km across; enhanced color is less than 1 km. For full observation details, visit the ID link.