HiPOD: Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Geologic Contacts near Coogoon Valles

Geologic Contacts near Coogoon Valles

Geologic Contacts near Coogoon Valles
This observation is of the relative stratigraphy of several important features near to the potential Oxia Planum landing site for the ExoMars 2020 mission. This observation will cross several geological contacts and allow determination of the order of events of Coogoon Valles: impact crater formation, lava flow burial and wrinkle ridge formation.

ID: ESP_061703_1980
date: 25 September 2019
altitude: 281 km

#Mars #science #NASA

Black & white is less than 5 km across; enhanced color is less than 1 km. For full observation details, visit the ID link.