Made with HiRISE: Elyn Zimmerman 
Elyn Zimmerman

My name is Elyn Zimmerman. I went to UCLA and graduated with an MFA in painting and photography in 1972. My work at that time (until moving to New York City in 1979) related to the Los Angeles Light and Space art movement. I lived in NYC until 2021 and most of the art works done while there were outdoor sculpture projects and installations, although I continued to photograph and draw as well.

I have drawn since childhood, so making images and sculptures is all that I’ve done in my career. Currently I live and work in Los Angeles. I invite you to visit my website: (Click images for a full version in a new window.)

HiRISE image suite 1

HiRISE image suite 2

HiRISE image suite 3

Many of the photographs and drawings I’ve done were inspired by my travels. Landscapes, images of nature and natural phenomenon (like the Aurora Borealis). During COVID traveling was not possible. I had been looking at APOD for a few years and discovered the Cassini images of Saturn. I made collages of those images. Then I discovered the HiRISE catalog of images of Mars and started to browse through them and was inspired to group them in “suites” or 3 or 5 images. Martian landscapes are somewhat familiar to Eearth, but distinctly different making them intriguing and mysterious.

HiRISE image suite 14 and 45

Elyn Zimmerman site

HiRISE images are in the public domain, but the art pieces are copyright by the artist.

If you have a story to tell about how you use HiRISE data, drop us a line:
madewithhirise (at)