Study fans in region of non-cryptic terrain dubbed Buenos Aires (ESP_057338_0980)



ID 156192
Title Study fans in region of non-cryptic terrain dubbed Buenos Aires
Suggester cjhansen
Suggestion Date 2018-03-08
Number of Observations 6
Primary Theme Seasonal Processes
Secondary Theme Eolian Processes
Retired By ESP_057338_0980
Date Planned 2018-10-10

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Stereo Requested? No
Color Requested? Yes
CRISM Requested? No
Max Binning 1x1
Solar Longitude 260.0 < LS < 280.0
Phase Angle 0.0 < θ < 180.0
Incidence Angle 0.0 < ι < 90.0
Emission Angle 0.0 < ε < 40.0